I finally took a Saturday and reorganized my studio. I'd been in it for about a year and knew I had to rearrange for ultimate efficiency. My space is small (approx. 6 x 8 feet), so every inch counts!
My studio is a shed in our yard that my husband had converted for me. I started out working from a spare room in the house. Among other things, working on carpet was not ideal. I love it here. My shed sits under a huge camphor tree - and I always feel like I'm in a tree house.
This is the main work table I'm at every day. One great thing about a small space is that almost everything is within an arm's reach!

You can see the window air unit in the previous picture and the space heater on the floor. I'm fortunate to work in a temperate climate, so these suffice for the infrequent extremes we experience.
The cutting table on the left is actually a desk. I couldn't survive without this extra work surface.
I keep pretty things around to inspire me: the hangings on the side of the bookcase are collage pieces made by my sister. The picture with the two kids and blue background is a piece by
Heather Murray - she works in mixed media. I love her work!

A place for everything and everything in its place! You can see some ready to go flowers hanging in the corner.
While I'm getting most of my fabrics organized, many of my chiffons and organzas are in a huge tub under the cutting table. They will not stay folded and some are too short for a mini-bolt.

My tape measure and camera cord hang near the door next to my Jane Austen calendar. I have a custom made (by moi) wipe board to keep track of things.

And here's the large bookcase I use for fabric and boxing storage. I'm trying to get everything on the mini bolts, but some fabrics are still stored in baskets.

Putting my fabric on mini bolts was a lot of work - but so worth it. Obviously, it makes finding my fabrics much easier.

The things I use most are at my fingertips: thread, needles, candle and matches.

I love seeing other peoples work spaces. Post a link if you'd like to share yours!